Online Eligibility Assessment

Find out if you qualify to access our natural alternative medicine.
If so, we'll connect you with a doctor who can tailor a natural treatment plan
and get products delivered to your door within 72 hours.

Online Eligibility Assessment

Hi. What is your first name?

Online Eligibility Assessment

Great. How can we contact you?
What’s your best email and number?

Online Eligibility Assessment

Hi . We're just going to ask you a few questions to determine your eligibility for natural alternative medicine. This shouldn’t take long.

Online Eligibility Assessment

Are you over 18?

Online Eligibility Assessment

Do you have a medical condition that has been persisting for longer than 3 months?
Eg. Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Migraines.

To qualify for our natural & alternative medicines, you have to have a persistent medical condition for over 3 months.

Online Eligibility Assessment

Have you taken any medication for your condition? Eg. Codeine, SSRI, Benzodiazepine?

Qualification for our natural alternative medicine requires medication or treatment for your persistent medical issue to have not worked.

Online Eligibility Assessment

Have you experienced any side effects? Or has your medication been unsuccessful in any way?

Our natural alternative medicine qualification requires the medication treatment to have failed, or adverse side effects.

Online Eligibility Assessment

Are you breastfeeding/pregnant?

Online Eligibility Assessment

What are you hoping to get out of this experience?

Online Eligibility Assessment

Are you looking for a particular product?

If you have a referral code,
please enter it here

Right, that was easy. The good news is you may be eligible for our natural alternative medicine.

To see if you can access Medical Cannabis, you will have to chat with our Doctor. Our GP will assess your medical needs and write you a prescription if they feel you could benefit from Magu.

Click on the button below to book and pay for your initial consult.

Book a Consultation

Ok, based on your answers, it’s unlikely that you are suitable for natural alternative medical treatment.

In order to access medicinal cannabis, patients must have:

- A chronic medical condition
- Been suffering for 3 months or longer
- Have tried traditional therapies and have had side effects or found it unsuccessful or unsuitable.

Perhaps you’ve put some details in wrong? You can always return to our homepage and take the eligibility test again.

Questions? We’re here for them. Drop us an email at

Right, that was easy. The good news is you may be eligible for our natural alternative medical treatment.

Book a Consultation